Signs of Excellence is proud to be the
platinum sponsor
of the
2025 Hands Up Conference
Thursday, June 19, 2025

June 19, 2025
Conference Registration at 2:00 PM
The Florida Hotel & Conference Center
1500 Sand Lake Rd, Orlando, FL 32809
Introducing Lil’ Hands Up
New to the conference this year! This learning track is for designed for parents of Deaf children. There will be fun workshops and field trips for the children ages 4-12. The Parents’ Track features workshops on advocacy, education, access, and their child’s rights. No previous knowledge of ASL required. Learn more and register:

Deborah Gibson
Signs of Excellence Owner and President, Debbie Gibson is an advocate for skilled educational interpreting. She will lead a premium pre-conference interpreter training workshop and two workshops for parents of Deaf children at the conference.

Thursday, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
0.2 PPO CEUs | Since its formal recognition in the mid-1960s, the interpreting profession has changed in many ways, but some apects have remained unmoved. One area of growth has been the perspective on the role of the interpreter, known as helper, conduit, facilitator, bi-bi, ally, and accomplice. Another area that has evolved over time is the Code of Professional Conduct (CPC). But has our interpretation of the CPC grown sufficiently? As we are in our relative infancy when compared to other professions (i.e., medicine, law, teaching), we are beginning to recognize that our autonomy and decision latitude have been significantly hindered. Do we need to make changes? And if so, how? Join us as we examine the trajectory of our profession and determine if we are keeping pace with the models of Advocacy & Allyship.

Friday, 1:15pm to 3:15pm
0.2 PS CEUs | What are my child’s rights in the community? Can we get an American Sign Language interpreter for a doctor visit? For an art class? Since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990, numerous Americans have gained access to services that they may have formerly been denied. However, the Deaf community still faces numerous roadblocks when requesting interpreting services. This is especially true for parents of Deaf children. This workshop will help parents become familiar with their rights and how to request services for community related events and services. Come explore the laws that support access in environments other than the public school setting.

Friday, 3:30pm to 5:30pm
0.2 PS CEUs | How can I engage in my child’s education if they are Deaf?
The school environment can be difficult for Deaf children. They are learning about the world around them, still acquiring language, and confronting increasingly rigorous educational content. Assure that your child has competent and qualified sign language interpreters for their overall success. Join us in this workshop as we explore curriculum and socialization access for the future success of your child.
Stop by our table and say hello…
Come visit us in the Pre-Function room. Meet all the vendors that make the conference a success!